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Equissage Equine Massage Therapy Prevent injuries, enhance performance, facilitate healing, promote general health and well-being and treat specific illnesses and injuries with our Equine Massage Therapy equipment. Equissage delivers unique cycloidal vibrations which reach deep tissue, muscle and bone via the pad or hand unit enable the system to actively treat a number of specific problems, as well as helping to maintain peak condition and general good health. From happy hackers to top competition horses, Equissage has improved the lives of many horses and ponies worldwide. Equissage Equine Massage Therapy system can help with equine medical conditions Daily use of an Equissage massage therapy system can help with the following problems:
The Equissage equine massage therapy system is an invaluable piece of equipment that can improve performance and actively help horses to recover from illness or injury. | |
Whether you're looking for herbal calmers, joint supplements, herbs for coat and skin, or natural products to help support immunity, nerves and hormones, digestion, hoof health, or older horses, you can be sure of finding the right product to help keep your horse fit and healthy. A wild horse lives freely, grazing naturally in a gentle continuum of movement, following seasonal plants to help it maintain optimal health according to its needs. The modern day horse on the other hand, may spend much of its day in a stable, devoid of mental stimulation, isolated from others of its kind, removed from the interaction of its species, and eating highly processed foods. This can only have a detrimental effect on both its mental and physical well-being. By feeding the appropriate herbal supplements for horses we can greatly enhance their health. Herbs reconnect them to their roots, giving them the power to maintain health as their wild cousins do | |
KVALITETSFOR FOR | Royal Canin er leverandør av høykvalitets hundefor og kattefor i faghandelen og hos veterinær. Hos Royal Canin er det dyrene som står i sentrum. Royal Canin er stolt hovedsponsor av Norges Blindeforbunds førerhundskole og Norske Rasekattklubbers Riksforbund. Royal Canin utvikler tilpasset ernæring for hunder. Avhengig av størrelse, alder, aktivitet, hunderase er det store forskjeller mellom hvilke behov hunder har. Vårt tilpassede ernæringsprogram basert på størrelse, alder og aktivitet finner du i serien SIZE HEALTH NUTRITION. Vårt skreddersydde ernæringsprogram for spesielle hunderaser finner du i serien BREED HEALTH NUTRITION. Vårt ernæringsprogram for sportshunder, kommer fra vår PERFORMANCE serie, CYNOTECHNIC HEALTH NUTRITION. Royal Canin utvikler spesialtilpasset ernæring for katter. Katter har svært forskjellige behov avhengig av alder, kjønn, rase, aktivitetsnivå og kastrering/ sterilisering. Royal Canin's produktsortiment finner du i faghandel og hos veterinær. |
Speedi-Beet - verdens No.1 betfôr på 1-2-3! Speedi-Beet er raskt, enkelt og er det sunne alternativet for tusenvis av hesteeiere i tilsammen 24 land som nå bruker dette produktet og som stoler på fordelene. Speedi-Beet's hovedfordeler er:
Skal du bytte fôr eller begynne å fôre med årets tidlige 1.slått høy/høysilage?
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Vi formidler produktene fra Vita-Life | |
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